Top 5 benefits of using Audiri

Businesspeople meeting to plan, analyze about business growth to plan future new business expansion using laptop and tablet computer for work.

An online school communication platform As a busy parent, I know how important it is to stay connected with your child’s school. But with so many communication channels like paper notes, emails, texts, and social media posts, it can be quite overwhelming to keep track of everything. That’s where Audiri comes in – an all-in-one… Continue reading Top 5 benefits of using Audiri

10 Simple Ideas to Improve Your School Newsletter

Working mother with little daughter at home

School newsletters are an excellent way to keep your school community informed and connected with the latest happenings.   However, crafting a quality newsletter requires a significant amount of time, effort, and sometimes frustration. It’s natural to question whether the effort is worth it, wondering if students and parents are actually reading it.   It’s… Continue reading 10 Simple Ideas to Improve Your School Newsletter