In its early stages of development, EnergySkills Queensland’s new Gateway to Schools Program – Hydrogen set up a simple app to connect with multiple schools at once. The custom branded school communication platform they introduced as an extension of their program has already:
– Provided a streamlined communication process
– Shown early positive engagement with their network
– Saved time and money
The Organisation: GISPH2
The Gateway to Industry Schools Program – Hydrogen (GISPH2) connects teachers from schools across Queensland with industry partners by providing insights, evidence and events.

The Goal: increase engagement with busy teachers
Still in its infancy in terms of development, GISPH2 had the opportunity to establish effective communication platforms early on. With limited time and resources, email was the original go-to tool. But keeping track of engagement via email can be challenging, especially with multiple news and events to communicate, and 32 schools already on board with the program.
“The schools we have onboard are made up of Catholic Education, Independent and Education Queensland schools, and they’re scattered all over the state. We need to be able to link these schools with their industry partners with ease. We wanted to make sure that we were reaching the busy teachers in our program with the important information and events we have to share, which can be hard to track with email. And because our Gateway is new, getting them to engage with us at all is hard; so, it’s crucial that we make it as easy as possible,” says Jules McMurtrie, GISPH2 Manager.
GISPH2 were introduced to Audiri, a custom branded school communication app with functions to enable their staff to easily push communications out to their connections and track interaction and engagement.
The Solution: a white labelled communication app
Like many organisations in the education sector, GISPH2 runs events for teachers, students and industry representatives, and provides key insights and timely research updates to their network. Jules knew that keeping all their communication handy in one app would make it easier to connect with teachers, so an eNewsletter feature was a top priority, and receiving RSVPs via calendar events would reduce their administrative workload. GISPH2 also wanted the app to reflect their brand, to present a professional profile and encourage trust and engagement.
The Results: newsletter views and cost-savings
Jules and her staff have been able to make the app their key communication channel quickly by using it straight away. And while it’s still early days, they are seeing it’s value through some promising results.
“I created our first GISPH2 newsletter, which I wrote straight into the platform and sent out to our contacts. We had 310 views of the newsletter, which is amazing because it’s currently only sent to 32 schools. That’s pretty good!” says Jules.
She’s also excited to see the use of the calendar feature increase, with all of GISPH2’s events now included in one place. And the bonus for Jules is the cost-savings she can see with using the app regularly: “It usually costs me money to have an external contractor do a newsletter, and as a not-for-profit, that’s money I don’t have. So, to be able to do a lot of this ourselves is perfect.”
The app has been rolled out to the teachers in the network and will be part of the onboarding process for new schools. While the uptake has been slow to start with, Jules is confident that with continued communication through the app and direct coaching on its use with their network, the app will achieve their goal of increased engagement.
The Future: A positive step forward
With more schools yet to be onboarded into the GISPH2 network, the app now forms an important part of the engagement process, which Jules says is a positive step: “I’m excited about the opportunities that this app can present for communicating with more teachers around the state. Having it set up as our go-to communication channel means we can now focus on the quality of our communications and growing engagement.”